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Recent Posts by innexus

Kids and Computer Vision Syndrome

Most of us remember being told not to sit too close to the TV because it would ruin our vision. Well, that may have been an exaggeration of the actual dangers of sitting too near a tube television, but new risks are at play when it comes to electronic screens and the eyes...


Eating Well for Eye Health

Everyone wants to know how eating can affect the ways our bodies function. Maybe it’s because we want even more reasons to eat healthy, or because more of us want natural ways to lower our risk for diseases and deficiencies, but the good news is that you can easily eat right for your...


The Pros of Progressive Lenses

Multifocal lenses have made everyday life much easier for people over forty. Bifocals were invented sometime in the 1700s, but trifocals and eventually progressive lenses were later created to give wearers even more functionality. The options are great, but making the choice can be difficult!

If you need multifocal lenses to provide...


FAQ: Can Flex Spending Save Me Money?

Flex spending might be one of the best benefits that many employees receive, yet they don’t know about the savings! If you have flex spending benefits, or aren’t sure if they are available to you, talk to your employer. You may be missing out on savings that could be going toward your family’s...


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